Epping awards 2024

Awards 2024
Humphrey Wheeler, Barbara Lane and Barbara Scruton receive the 2024 Epping Community Award from Mayor Christine Burgess (left to right)

The Epping-Eppingen Association was honoured to receive the town’s Community Award for 2024 at the mayor’s annual Civic Reception held on 26 April at Epping Hall. The award is presented to a voluntary organisation that has made an outstanding contribution to the local community.

Epping Freeman and Community Awards 2024

In her speech, Town Mayor Christine Burgess explained how the twinning had contributed to relations between our two countries. She described the two annual exchange visits – one in each direction – hosted by members of the respective associations, one of which is an English or German language course. Visits to Eppingen also include participation in their civic events, such as the Heimattage (a local cultural festival) and the Altstadtfest (Old Town Festival). The mayor also highlighted our well-attended 40th anniversary celebrations (delayed by Covid), held in Epping in 2022 and repeated in Eppingen in 2023. Our president Humphrey Wheeler, chairperson Barbara Scruton and secretary Barbara Lane were invited to attend the mayor’s reception and to receive the Community Award on behalf of the Epping-Eppingen Association.

Jubilaeum 2023

The 40th anniversary of our partnership was celebrated in both Epping and Eppingen

Freeman award

Mayor Christine Burgess confers the Freedom of Epping on Barbara Scruton

At the same event Barbara Scruton was made a Freeman of Epping, in recognition of her many years of service to the town. Mayor Christine Burgess described her achievements in the commercial, community and charity sectors during this time. Barbara has owned and managed a number of businesses in the town, and served on Epping Town Council for 12 years including twice as mayor. Christine Burgess highlighted Barbara’s contributions to the voluntary sector, not only with the Epping-Eppingen Association but also, among others, the Epping Society and the Rotary Club of Epping. Her charity work in and beyond Epping has included leading roles in the Epping & Theydon Garnon Joint Charities and the British Institute for Brain Injured Children. She is also currently involved in the local Youth Makes Music and Youth Makes Art initiatives. The mayor described Barbara Scruton as someone “extremely well-known, liked and respected by many, so synonymous with Epping that it would be impossible to think of the town without them in it”.


Freemen of Epping: John Batchelor (not part of the twinning), Letitia Berry, Humphrey Wheeler, Barbara Scruton

The title of Freeman of Epping is rarely awarded, yet no fewer than three other current and former Epping-Eppingen Association officeholders have also received this honour. These are former president Letitia Berry and current president Humphrey Wheeler (both of whom attended the Civic Reception), and the late Dennis Favre. In Christine Burgess’s words, “receiving the honour of Freeman of Epping ensures that an individual’s contribution is never forgotten”.

Community Award 2024

Epping Community Award 2024

Award certificate

Epping Community Award 2024 certificate